Boo hoo

I've been using my iPod more than usual lately. Maybe because I miss listening to music or that I've been almost too tired to read on my commute. In any event, I was a little freaked out to learn the other day that my iPod is sad. I didn't even know it had feelings! Remember that episode of "Sex and the City" when Carrie's laptop "sad mac'd"? Well, my sweet little music device has now "sad iPod'd". I tried to figure out this whole putting it in safe-mode thing but even though I'm usually relatively tech savvy, I couldn't do it. So, now I need to go to the Apple store and wait for scary test results which will probably amount to me having to buy a new one. This on top of the fact that my camera went on the fritz - on Christmas Day no less! - I'm having some bad technology luck . The up side is that my birthday isn't too far off so maybe I'll gather enough loot to buy brand new toys! If not, there's always my tax return *sigh*.
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