The sparrow flies at midnight...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Let's get some perspective, shall we?!

Funny enough, I read James Frey's "A Million Little Pieces" before the whole scandal broke and enjoyed it. It's an amazing story about an alcoholic drug addict who hits rockbottom and goes to rehab. A very small portion of the book also deals with James' criminal history which is now being argued to be "misstatements and fabrications" by The Smoking Gun. The author, both on his website and on Larry King Live, sticks by his story saying, " is a book about drug addiction and alcoholism. There is no dispute as to whether I was a drug addict or an alcoholic, whether I spent time in a treatment facility. And that's what the book is about. And it's helping a lot of people. It's affecting a lot of lives, and I don't think details that are being disputed at this point will change the effect that it's having. At least I hope not" - excerpt from Larry King Live interview

James Frey was under the heavy influence of alcohol and drugs from his early teen years until he went into rehab when he was in his early 20's. The events in the book take place between 15 and 25 years ago. Yes, he may have exaggerated some things but as an author writing his perception of his own story, shouldn't we cut him a tiny bit of slack?

On the other hand, look at all of the lies and deception that our president and government have been guilty of. A needless war, thousands of needless deaths, torture of detainees, warrantless wiretaps, invasion of privacy, and countless others. Those are the things people should be outraged about. So how about some perspective, people?!


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